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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Valentine Hills was identified as a state-wide leader in creating positive learning environments

Valentine Hills Elementary School is among 36 Minnesota schools identified as state-wide leaders for creating positive learning environments for students. In June of 2015, the Minnesota Department of Education recognized Valentine Hills Elementary School as a Sustaining Exemplar School.

Using the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program, Valentine Hills was identified as a leader in establishing a comprehensive set of practices to support positive behavior, improve school climate and increase student achievement.

To establish a PBIS program, 80 percent of a school's teachers and staff need to agree to implement a more positive approach to discipline. Data from participating schools show clear evidence of the program's success, specifically in reduced number of behavioral incidents, fewer student suspensions and increased levels of student engagement.

“PBIS helps schools set clear expectations for students, teachers and families and new ways to address behavior issues," said Commissioner Brenda Cassellius. "Each of these schools is leading the way for creating respectful and supportive school climates and the positive impact that work can have on student achievement.”